01 January 1991
artdoc June=1994
The following are recent publications added to the library of
Liberty, 21 Tabard Street, SE1 4LA. Tel: 071 403 3888. They are
available for reference. Please make an appointment if you want
to visit - a small charge is made to non-members.
Top Secret: an interim guide to recent releases of intelligence
at the Public Records Office (covering 1791-1909), Lousie
Atherton. Public Records Office, 1993, 32pp.
Canadian Security Intelligence Review Committee. Annual reports
Judicial review (a practical guide), Richard Clayton. Longman,
1993, 201pp.
Report of the 1993 Conference of European Community
parliamentarians on HIV/AIDS. British all-party parliamentary
group on AIDS. Council of Europe, 1993, 74pp.
Women in the civil rights movement: trailblazers and
torchbearers, Vicki Crawford ed. Open University, 1990, 290pp.
The Criminal Justice Act 1993: text and commentary, Rudi Fortson.
Sweet & Maxwell, 1993, 146pp.
Immigration, nationality and citizenship, Satvinder S Juss.
Mansell, 1993, 200pp.
The UK's part in the preparation of the European Convention of
Human Rights, 1950, Geoffrey Marston. International and
comparative law quarterly, October 1993, 32pp.
Individual rights and the law in Britain, Christopher McGrudden
ed. Clarendon, 1994, 668pp.
Attacks on justice: the harassment and persecution of judges and
lawyers, Mona A Rishmawi ed. Centre for the Independence of
Judges and Lawyers, Switzerland, 1993, 224pp.
Response to Runciman: a critical analysis of the report of the
Royal Commission on Criminal Justice. Society of Labour Lawyers,
1993, 58pp.
Textbook on civil liberties, Richard Stone. Blackstone, 1994,
Statewatch Vol 4 no 2, March-April 1994