Civil liberties - in brief (1)

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Netherlands: Prison telephone tapping banned: The Geniepoort prison in Alphen aan den Rijn has temporarily stopped recording telephone conversations made by prisoners. Lawyers acting for the prisoners had earlier discovered that all telephone conversations made by prisoners were routinely being recorded and had asked for a judicial review. When queried the Dutch Ministry of Justice admitted that all new prisons were now being equipped with telephone tapping systems. NRC Handelsblad Weekeditie 29.7.97

Netherlands: E-Mail not covered by confidentiality law: The Dutch Ministry of Justice recently declared that e-mail is not covered by laws that protect the confidentiality of letters. According to the ministry e-mail will be treated in the same way as postcards, which have no protection in law as they are not sealed in envelopes. According to Joop Verbeek, a Researcher for the Nationaal Programma Informatietechnologie en Recht, the consequences of this decision would be that any person could access other peoples' e-mail without any fear of either criminal or civil proceedings being taken against them. This subject arose with the discovery that some football hooligans are using e-mail to communicate with each other. The ministry of Justice now plans to use these e-mail communications as evidence in forthcoming trials. NRC Handelsblad Weekeditie, 29.7.97.

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