Civil liberties - new material (18)
01 December 1996
A question of ID Adrian Beck & Kate Broadhurst. Police Review 2.8.96 pp16-18. This article examines the use of national identity cards in the EU and the debate between voluntary and compulsory systems.
From the dockyards to the Disney store: surveillance risk and security in the Liverpool city centre Ray Coleman & Joe Sim, Paper presented to the Law & Society Association Conference, University of Strathclyde (July) 1996 pp38. This paper is a critique of Liverpool's CCTV camera network which was launched in July 1994. It is available from the authors School of Social Science Liverpool John Moore's University Trueman Street, Liverpool L3 2ET.
Five years in jail for my art Simon Sunderland. Big Issue 3.6.96 p10. Sunderland was jailed for 5 years - longer than many rapists - for his graffiti art carried out on mainly derelict buildings when he was 19 years old. In this piece he explains how he and other working class youths got involved with graffiti art.
Response by Justice to the Home Office Consultation Paper concerning the EC Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC). Justice
July 1996 20 pages 3.00. The report criticises "the government's negative attitude of implementing the Directive only to the extent "absolutely necessary" to comply with European law."
Terrorism law is a major setback for civil liberties. First Principles vol 20 no 2 June 1996 pp1-3. Summarises law signed by President Clinton on 24 April.
Report to and Responses of the Spanish government to the reports of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on its visit to Spain 10-22 April 1994 and 10-14 June 1994. CPT/Inf (96) 9 & 10, Council of Europe Strasbourg 5 March 1996.
Final Response of the UK Government to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its visit to the UK from 15 to 31 May 1994. CPT/Inf (96) 12. Council of Europe Strasbourg 5 March 1996.
Parliamentary debates
New Age Travellers (Tayside) Commons 20.6.96. cols. 1102-1110 Drugs strategy Commons 21.6.96. cols. 1111-1180 Science Policy and Human Genetics Commons 19.7.96. cols. 1409- 1482