Civil liberties - new material (36)

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Human Rights Annual Report 1999. UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Department for International Development, (HMSO) 1999, pp96. Report on the government's activities and thinking in the field of human rights. The achievements under "its commitment to improve respect for human rights in the UK" include three of the government's most criticised bills: those on asylum policy, "disability rights" and freedom of information. The report refers to a wide range of countries including Turkey, Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, Russia and Belarus.

Hidden agenda and Secret Society, Gibby Zobel. The Big Issue 15.11.99 & 22.11.99. Articles on "an elite group of the West's most powerful men and women" - the Bilderberg group. The article reveals confidential minutes considering, among other things, the Russian intervention in Chechnya and the new Left.

The Bastard - Global Edition. Arkzin (1999). The publishers (Arkzin) started as a platform for the anti ratna kampagna (anti-war movement, founded in Croatia in 1991-92) to promote independent political discussions. Since then it has grown to include cultural and intellectual contributions on media and "cyber theory". Produced in Zagreb, this first international edition of The Bastard compiles various discussions, texts and documents that have circulated on the internet and in magazines. It attempts to make sense of a violent disintegration of the Balkans, positioning its analysis within the "Europe after", the "EU-NATO regime". Contributions include commentaries and discussions by John Pilger, Maria Todorova, Noam Chomsky, George Soros and Geert Lovink amongst others. Publishers: Arkzin d.o.o., Ilica 176, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatia. Tel: +3851 3777866 Fax: +3851 3777867,, link

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