Civil liberties - new material (50)

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Recent developments in European Convention Law, Philip Leach. Legal Action July 2003, pp. 18-24.

The ugly truth of America's Camp Cropper, a story to shame us all, Robert Fisk. Independent 22.7.03, p. 11. Fisk examines Camp Cropper and "America's shameful prison camps in Iraq" through the case of Qais al-Salman, a Danish citizen who was "disappeared" off the streets of Baghdad by US soldiers, "just as in Saddam's day".

Inside Camp Delta, Ted Conover. Observer 13.7.03. This piece, by a former guard at Sing Sing prison, examines the various internment complexes on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Although the author's perspective has a soft-focus, (he was the first journalist allowed to report from the illegal detention centre), there is enough detail to permit reading between the lines - necessary given the lack of alternative sources of information. Conover notes the ironic sign at the camp's main gate, which reads "Honour Bound to Defend Freedom", that has disturbing echoes of the nazi concentration camps which bore signs reading "Work makes freedom" (Arbeit Macht Frei).

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