Czech Republic: New proposals aimed at Roma

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Czech Republic: New proposals aimed at Roma
artdoc April=1993

Following calls by the mayors of several towns in north Bohemia
for new powers to `expel unwanted elements' back to Slovakia and
impose tough restrictions on those seeking to come in, the
prosecutor general of the Czech Republic has asked parliament to
approve measures that would allow, amongst other things, police
to search private premises, impose a five-day limit on visits
other than to relatives, and oblige would-be visitors to obtain
approval from local authorities.
The new powers are aimed at Roma who have migrated to the Czech
Republic from Slovakia.Leaders of the Romany Civic Initiative say
the proposals are racist and that they will organise a campaign
of civil disobedience, if the government does not condemn the
proposed measures unequivocally (Independent 13.1.93).

Anti-Gypsy racism Europe

IRR European Race Audit no 3, 1993.
Contact: Liz Fekete, Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS. Tel: ++ 071 837 0041

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