Data statistics: Schengen Information System (SIS) (feature)

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In 1998, the SIS has put on weight and reached a total data input of more than 8.8 million entries. 7.4 million of these refer to objects, 1.2 million are wanted person's records. More recent statistics now allow a more specific analysis of the distribution of the data into single data categories and which Schengen states enter them and the reasons for a rise in the data quantity as well as the methods of control connected to the SIS.

Categories of data

Articles 95 to 100 set out the purposes for which "alerts" may be entered on the SIS.

Article 95: arrest for the purpose of extradition

Article 96: refusal of entry to the Schengen area because of a danger to national security or public order: or concerning aliens who have contravened national provisions governing entry and residence

Article 97: missing people, minors or people whose detention has been ordered

Article 98: arrest for appearing in court as a witness or suspect; persons suspected of offences; or to serve a custodial sentence

Article 99: discrete surveillance and specific checks (including passengers) for: criminal investigation; or averting a threat to public safety or national security

Article 100: "objects": vehicles, firearms, documents or banknotes which have been stolen or lost

Data stock in the SIS (5 March 1999)

Banknotes 823,336 (Article 100)
Blank documents 82,204 (Article 100)
Firearms 213,425 (Article 100)
ID papers* 5,293,806 (Article 100)
Vehicles 1,175,030 (Article 100)
Wanted persons 1,239,055 (Articles 95-99)

Total 8,826,856

* stolen or lost

Search for person's:
primarily an instrument of deportation

As a result of the high number in so-called Alias Groups (around 430,000), that is, people that have a second false identity, "only" around 795,000 of the 1,2 million personal data entries that have been stored in the SIS up to 31 December 1998, match actual people. This relation of 2:1 between the people on the wanted person's list and the Alias Groups has, since the implementation of the SIS in March 1995, stayed static.

Also consistent is the make up of the reasons for issuing a warrant and the relevant data categories. "Third country nationals" to be rejected at borders or deported (Article 96 Schengen Implementation Agreement (SIA)) make up 80% of SIS person related data (April 97: 86.7%, March 96: 89.1%). The SIS therefore first and foremost continues to be a means of enforcing "Fortress Europe". With around 8,600 (just over 1%) entries, the reason of "arrest for the purpose of extradition" (Article 95) is negligible. The role of criminal data is low in the SIS and the "criminal level" of the SIS is negligible, too. The location of (unaccused) witnesses and of persons that have to appear in court on grounds of minor offences (Article 98: 37,000 persons) as well as the entries on police surveillance (Article 99: 12,000) by far exceed those of people to be extradited.

Italy in second place

One main reason for the increase of the data input was that Italy, Austria and Greece joined the SIS on 1 December 1997. Italy's accession had a big impact with around 220,000 persons entered onto the SIS by the end of 1998 - making Italy the second largest SIS participant. 88% of the entries refer to Article 96 SIA. With 350,000 entries on persons in the SIS (about 44% of the whole SIS data on persons) Germany is, as usual, top of the Schengen list (98% of those referring to Article 96). Third is France with 113,000 personal data entries (60%, Article 96).

Turnover of data

The statistics published so far show the SIS data stock, or rather, the number of people on the SIS up to a deadline, usually the end of the year. From this, it is not possible to work out if the number of entries has decreased or increased from one year t

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