Denmark: The killing of an anti-racist

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Henrik Christensen, 29, was killed by a letterbomb on 16 March 1992 in the offices of the anti-racist group, Internationale Socialister, in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. He was a leading member of the group. Nobody has been charged with his murder. Now, three years later, it has just come to light that the day after the murder the then head of the Police Department, Bent Hansen, received a personal letter containing a confession to the murder. However, the letter was not taken seriously and police claimed that they had no idea who the perpetrator was or nor the motive. The letter, published in Politiken, from an extreme rightwing group: "Free Denmark K 12" admits responsibility for the murder of what they call: "a Danish traitor". The police have been strongly criticised for not admitting the existence of the letter, not following it up, and for hiding the fact, known to them, that similar letters had been sent to five other people. Instead the police investigated members of the Internationale Socialister group itself - using the murder investigation to gather information about leftwing networks. The Danish police claim they cannot find any members of the "Free Denmark K 12" group nor have they followed up information suggesting they may be connected with a Swedish skinhead group which celebrates the birthday of King Karl Gustav the 12th.

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