Diary: race and resistance: August-October 1992

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Diary: race and resistance: August-October 1992
artdoc December=1992


24 About 500 anti-fascists demonstrate outside BNP
by-election meeting in Bethnal Green, east London.
25 Neo-nazis fight riot police for fourth consecutive night
after attacking central refugee centre in Rostock,
26 Arson attack on Sikh temple in Woolwich, south London.
27 Mosque in Greenwich, south-east London, ransacked and set
28 HIV-positive Ugandan asylum-seeker dies in prison
hospital after doctors at Gatwick airport allegedly said
he was faking his illness.


5 Police report difficulties in getting black people to
participate in identity parades ... Suicide rate among
younger Asian women in Britain is nearly three times the
average, says psychiatry journal report.
7 Home Office refuses asylum to two Chinese supporters of
the pro-democracy Tiananmen Square demonstrations.
9 Three charged with petrol bomb attack on Blackburn home
in which 12-year-old Dildar Khan suffered serious
11 Home Office criticised for treatment of Naheed Ejaz, who
is detained after deportation of her and her 4
British-born children is delayed.
12 44 arrested at Waterloo station, London, when
anti-fascists clash with Blood and Honour concert goers
... Two Yugoslav children badly burned in arson attack on
refugee hostel near Heidelberg, Germany.
13 Foreign minister Douglas Hurd, describing large-scale
migration as `perhaps the most serious problem'
confronting Europe, says Britain, facing `a very
considerable commotion' in the 1970s over immigration,
`dealt with that problem and we don't wish to see it
14 Lawyer describes prison sentences (the maximum being 4
years) on 5 neo-nazis who kicked and beat Angolan
immigrant Amadeu Antonio Kiowa to death in 1990, as `an
encouragement of right-wing radicals to continue their
deadly campaign of violence'.
16 CRE report confirms that black people, especially
African-Caribbeans, are treated more harshly by the legal
18 Indian mother given no time to say goodbye to her
children before being deported as illegal immigrant after
appeal fails.
19 Judge bails Dennis Tulloch, convicted of drugs offences
on basis of evidence of east London's Stoke Newington
20 Talk by revisionist historian David Irving at his old
school cancelled after parents protest.
21 Government concedes that immigration officials mishandled
case of Zairean stowaway by denying him opportunity to
claim asylum.
22 Appeal court cuts sentence of black teenager convicted of
wounding white racist after being targeted for violence
and abuse by Nazi Turnout group, which was involved in
death of Rolan Adams in south London ... Bail granted to
nine defendants charged with murder of Ruhullah Aramesh
in Thornton Heath, south London on 2 August.
24 Donna Awadat, serving 3 years for arson, found hanged in
psychiatric unit of London's Holloway prison...
Ida Oderinde, convicted of drug offences by Stoke
Newington police, given bail pending appeal proceedings.
25 Appeal court quashes murder conviction of battered wife
Kiranjit Ahluwalia, who killed her husband after years of
30 Refugee organisations attack Home Office decision to
refuse asylum to Somalian woman, who was raped and
beaten, so she cannot bring her children to UK though
they are in grave danger.


1 Asylum applications doubled to over 45,000 in 1991,
according to Immigration and Nationality Department.
6 German government brings in military personnel to help
process asylum applications to speed up deportations of
those that do not qualify.
12 Met

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