Diary: race and resistance: June-August 1992

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Diary: race and resistance: June-August 1992
artdoc December=1992

JUNE 1992

14 Complaints, the majority concerning employment, to the
Commission for Racial Equality from people in Yorkshire and
the north east rose by 25% last year.
15 Bristol refugee hostel which turned away Afro-Caribbean
clients found guilty of discrimination by CRE ... 20 black
crew managers claim pay discrimination by London
16 Over Ã400,000 paid out in CRE race cases in 1991.
20 Society of Black Lawyers claims student barristers
admissions policy is racially discriminatory.
21 Army board of inquiry calls for major changes to
crackdown on racists.
25 Over half applications from asylum-seekers were rejected
in 1991, compared with 18% in 1990.

JULY 1992

1Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke `amazed' by secrecy surrounding
EC immigration policy ... Racism in Scottish football is
spilling out onto the streets, seriously affecting Asians,
says survey. 2EC ministers plan to set up computerised list of
`undesirable aliens' who will be refused entry.
3Mr Natt, who secretly tape-recorded police making racist
remarks during his arrest, is considering legal action.
4Over 300 people protest against David Irving revisionist
seminar in London . . Home Office rules restricting the entry
of foreign husbands of British women declared unlawful by
European Court of Justice.
8Government orders UKIAS management to give way to interim
committee, until new body is set up, or funding will be
axed... Reports of race attacks in Nottinghamshire are at
record levels, according to local equality council
9CRE to consider taking test case against Customs and Excise
following strip-search of black American woman judge at
Heathrow. 12National Association of CAB report condemns
discrimination and delays faced by immigrants from Asia and
the Caribbean dealing with the immigration service.
13Attorney-general supports Crown Prosecution Service decision
not to prosecute after police search of BNP headquarters ...
UK Islamic Mission in Nelson, Lancs, damaged by parcel bomb
14Reading council leaders call for meeting with police to
stamp out racist and fascist activity in the town after BNP
15Refugee organisation Charter 87 says Home Office planning to
detain virtually all asylum seekers on arrival in Britain.
17Newsagents in Jewish areas report hundreds of customers
cancelling Sunday Times which has hired revisionist historian
David Irving to decipher Goebbels diaries.
18Government apologises to black judge strip-searched at
Heathrow. 20Home Office announces performance standards for
immigration clearance at Heathrow and Gatwick.
21Mother plans to sue police after her three children, aged
12, 14 and 15, claim that police at London's Holloway Road
station drew guns on them, held them till 4am and then told
them to walk home. 23Charges against Searchlight editor Gerry
Gable and Anti-Fascist Action member Gary O'Shea, arising from
fascist meeting in London in May 1991, dropped.
26Racism against both black staff and prisoners rife in the
prison service, says Prison Reform Trust report.
27Glasgow bookshops withdraws books by David Irving following
pickets by anti-fascists
28Police Complaints Authority agrees with decision to take no
disciplinary action to be taken against 6 police involved in
arrest of Oliver Pryce.
29Metropolitan police chief Imbert says police officers who
racially abused Mr Natt should have received stronger
punishment than losing a day's pay ... 12-year-old Dildar Khan
badly burned when petro bomb thrown into his home in Blackburn
.. Sacked catering staff, referred to as `black slaves', at
London's South Bank centre won Ã2,000 each at industrial
30Black boxing champion Colin MacMillan considers legal action
against police over stop-and-search and racist abuse in
central London.
3112 men involved in attacks on Asian shops on

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