Double Jeopardy (1)
01 January 1991
Double Jeopardy
libdoc April=1994
Double Jeopardy-The Retrial of the Guildford Four
Author(s): Bennett, Ronan
Publisher: Penguin 1993, 70pp, Bibliography
Keywords: Ireland PTA
The release of the Guildford four in October 1989, after fifteen
years in Jail, was an admission of enormous failure on the part
of the British judicial system. With the Court of Appeal's
momentous decision to overturn the original convictions it seemed
the legal system would be forced to examine it's mistakes and
confront its shortcomings.
However, when three detectives were brought to trial-after an
extraordinary delay of three years- they acquitted on charges of
fabricating evidence with fabricating evidence. there were times
during the trial when it appeared as if the Guildford Four were
once again in the dock, and the case raised serious doubts about
whether the legal system can face up to its own failings
In this powerful long essay, originally published by the London
Review of Books and now expanded, Irish novelist Ronan Bennett
examines the trial in detail, combining reportage, memoir and an
intimate Knowledge of the case to produce a passionately argued
and damning analysis. Publisher's text.