EU: 1994 Euro-league of death

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The Campaign Against Racism and Fascism (CARF) held a press conference in London at the beginning of February to announce the results of its annual audit of deaths due to racism in western Europe during 1994. The report documents 60 deaths, which is down from 75 in 1993.

The report notes a drop in the number of murders attributed to the far-right which reached 44 in 1993. Thirteen deaths are recorded for 1994, with twelve of these taking place in Germany. The drop is attributed to a demoralisation of the German far-right as mainstream right-wing parties, such as the Christian Democrats, move into their nationalistic and racist terrain. The number of unattributed racist murders increased slightly to 19 (from 16 in 1993).

Perhaps the most alarming figure produced in the report is the increase in the number of immigrants or asylum-seekers who died as a result of police brutality or neglect. In 1993 there were eight cases in this category; the 1994 figures saw a threefold increase to 21. The report argues that: "This is not a coincidence but reflects the fact that racism has travelled from the far-right fringe to the very centre of European policy making, trickling down to vital institutions like the police and immigration services."

The figure for suicides of asylum seekers for 1994 stayed the same as the previous year at 7. CARF points out the difficulty in obtaining reliable data on these deaths but points to figures from the Danish Red Cross that indicate a general increase in attempted suicides among refugees and asylum seekers. The general figures compiled by CARF over the last three years are presented below.

1992 1993 1994

Far right murders 27 43 13
Racist murders 15 16 19
Death by police
brutality/neglect 6 8 21
Suicide provoked
by racism 5 7 7
Unsolved murders 6 1 0

A detailed breakdown of the latest figures is published in CARF 24 (February/March) 1995. Available from BM Box 8784, London WC1N 3XX.

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