EU: Academics to the fore

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The High Level Group on Organised Crime, whose report was adopted at a special meeting of the Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in April 1997, recommended that:

"The academic and scientific world should be further encouraged to contribute their studies and research to the understanding of the phenomenon of organised crime" (recommendation 2)

In December last year the "Incoming UK Presidency" circulated a note and questionnaire for a "Meeting of leading EU academics on organised crime" to held in Brussels on 18-19 May 1998. Each EU delegation was in effect being invited to put forward "its leading expert in the field". The "leading academics" in each country were invited to complete a questionnaire listing the four "most valuable studies" on organised crime already undertaken in their own country and the four "most valuable studies" completed in other EU Member States. The same academics were also invited to list the four most important subjects "that need research". The extent to which the lists of "valuable studies" was self-confirming amongst a select few is not yet known.

Meeting of leading EU academics on organised crime, report by Incoming UK Presidency to the Multidisciplinary Group on Organised Crime (GMD), 1358/97, Crimorg 41, Limité, 19.12.97.

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