EU: Direct access to DNA data

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The Council of the European Union (the 25 governments) has set up an “Ad Hoc Group on Information Exchange on DNA” in the name of the so-called “principle of availability” under the Hague Programme..

A report from the EU Presidency (EU do no: 6259/1/06) says that this is only possible “through the expertise of highly qulaified and specialsied experts in information exchange”. They, it appears, are to draft the legisaltion finding “legal, technical and adminsitrative solutions” to allow for: “on a hit/no-hit basis by direct automated access”.

However, another unreleased document (EU doc no: 13558/05), see the question as a “technical”, not a political issue and see the legitimation to be to meet the objectives:

as is set out in the Prüm Treaty. This would obviously imply that all Member States establish DNA data bases for the investigation of a criminal offences and ensure the availability of reference data to other Member States. (emphasis added)

The “Prum Treaty” drawn up by a self-appointed governmental pressure group: Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Austria.

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