EU: EUFOR reorganises in Bosnia

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The European Union Force (EUFOR) in Bosnia-Herzegowina will be reduced and restructured from 6,500 to 2,500 troops. According to General Henri Bentegeat, the new chairman of the EU Military Committee, EUFOR will move from a task-force based structure to an "alert system with a rapid-reaction capability". This will be based on a multinational intervention battalion (the first one will be commanded by a Spanish officer), supported by over-the-horizon reserves, which are shared with NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR). In 2007 an operational reserve force is being provided by Germany, Italy and the UK and the strategic reserve force by France. At the same time smaller liaison and observation teams in EUFOR will be increased and deployed throughout Bosnia-Herzegowina, working with the local police.

In a separate development a new EU operations centre for smaller missions is established. This gives the EU a third possibility alongside the Berlin Plus arrangements with NATO (used in Bosnia) and the national operational headquarters provided by France, Germany, Italy, Greece and the UK. The new operations centre will be tested during the EU's MILEX 07/CPX military exercise on 7-15 June 2007.

Jane's Defence Weekly, 24.1.07 (Nicholas Fiorenza); Defense News, 22.1.07 (Brooks Tigner)

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