EU: Informal JHA CouncilBerlin

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The main discussion at the Informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Berlin on 11-12 February centred on the "link" between temporary protection and "fair" burden-sharing (now referred to as solidarity). German Interior Minister Otto Schily said that a way had to be found which did not "encourage refugees" to enter the EU in crisis situations (Bosnia, Albania/Kosovo).

He proposed that EU member states should indicate the number of people they were prepared to offer temporary protection to in relation to the following factors: cultural and historical or social ties with the "crisis area"; the numbers of people already admitted; the labour market situation; and the member state's involvement in peace-keeping measures (the provision of military forces to be balanced against number given protection).

For the German Presidency Mr Schily said temporary protection should only be given to people going to member states willing to offer temporary protection. Those infringing this rule should lose their right to temporary protection.

The meeting also discussed post-Amsterdam Council working structures and agreed that there should be two coordinating bodies: a "Article 36 Committee" continuing to deal with third pillar issues and a "coordination body" for matters to which Community competence is extended (immigration and asylum issues).

Agence Europe, 11 & 12.2.99.

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