EU: third pillar groups
01 January 1991
EU: third pillar groups
bacdoc July=1995
Information taken from the handbook: "Statewatching the new
Europe", published in November 1993.
Some entries have been updated to take into account the
Maastricht Treaty (Treaty of European Union, TEU).
Ad Hoc Group on Immigration
It had the following working groups: Immigration Sub Group on
External Frontiers; Immigration Sub Group on Expulsion and
Admission; Immigration Sub Group on Asylum; Immigration Sub Group
on Visas; Immigration Sub Group on Forged Documents.
Founded in 1986; superseded by Steering Group 2 of the K4
Committee in November 1993.
Berlin Group
This is a group of Senior Officials set up by Ministers after a
conference in Berlin on 30 October 1991: `Ministerial Conference
on European Cooperation to prevent uncontrolled migration from
and through Central and Eastern Europe'. There were three
meetings of the group in 1992: 14 January and 28/29 September
Berlin Group Senior Officials meeting; and 28/29 September 1992:
Berlin Group Drafting Committee (The Vienna Group: Future work,
note by the UK Presidency, 3.7.92, CIRC 3652/1/92, Rev 1,
Confidential). A second Conference was held in Budapest February
1993, the recommendations of this meeting included border
surveillance measures against `illegal' immigrants, criminalising
the smuggling of `illegal' immigrants, and measures to expel
them. It is said to complement the work of the Vienna Group
(below) and may be superseded by that group.
Carriers liability
The Immigration (Carriers Liability) Act 1987 (UK) provides for
fines to be imposed on airlines and shipping companies who bring
anyone into the UK without a valid passport or visa.
CELAD ("Comité Europénne de Lutte Anti-Drogues"), the group of
drug coordinators, set up in 1989. Its task is to exchange
information and to coordinate cross-border inquiries. It works
with the Pompidou Group and the Dublin Group (set up in 1990 to
liaise with drug producing and transit countries).
CIREA (Centre for Information, Discussion and Exchange on
asylum). This was formally set up in 1992 under the ambit of
intergovernmental cooperation. It is staffed by the General
Secretariat of the Council. The meeting of Interior Ministers on
30 November 1992 approved the production and updating of a
European asylum practice manual.
CIREFI (Centre for information, discussion and exchange on the
crossing of borders and immigration). The meeting of Immigration
Ministers in London on 30 November 1992 approved the
establishment of this Centre staffed by the General Secretariat
of the Council, to will monitor the common immigration policy of
the 12 EC states and the crossing of borders.
It will look at: authorised immigration flows; unlawful
immigration flows; unlawful immigration methods; forged
documents; rejected asylum applicants and `illegal immigrants who
abuse the asylum procedure'; the expulsion of illegally present
third-country nationals; inadmissible passenger arrivals and
carriers' liabilities.
CIREFI will be a permanent organisation under the Article K
post-Maastricht structure. (Setting up of a Centre for
Information, Discussion and Exchange on the crossing of Borders
and Immigration (CIREFI), Ad Hoc Group on Immigration, WGI 1277,
16.11.92, Confidential).
Club of Berne
Meeting of intelligence chief to exchange information on
espionage and state security (involving at least Germany, Italy,
Austria, Switzerland and France).
The Confederation of Independent States (CIS) is also referred
to as the Former Soviet Union (FSU) which excludes the Baltic
Coordinators Group
The Coordinators Group was set up in 1988 to bring together the
work on the Palma Document covering immigration, terrorism,
police and customs, and judicial cooperation. It comprises high
level civil servants from the 12 Interior Ministries. Sometimes
referred to, misleadingly,