EURO police glossary (1)

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EURO police glossary
artdoc February=1992

The Personnel and Training Committee of the Association of Chief
Police Officers (ACPO) has produced a 38-page glossary of
policing and legal terms in French, German and Spanish. While
including many obvious terms and concepts it also has
translations for `bigwig', and `bawdy house' as well as
`conscientious objector', `executioner', `garrot', `gibbet',
`guillotine', `gallows', `hooligan, yob', `identity card',
`informer, nark', `machine gun', `mugging, hand-bag snatching',
`riot', `rogue, scroundrel', and `surveillance'. The
introduction by the chairman of the Committee, Mr Graham, says
that the glossary of `commonly used English legal terms' is
intended to help police officers communicate with their EC
counterparts who neither speak nor understand English.

Statewatch, Volume 2 no 1, January/February 1992

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