Europe - new material (15)

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Human rights and the "third pillar": an urgent case for reform, Michael Spencer. European Access no 5 1995 October 7-10. Reviews work on policing immigration and border controls in the run up to the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference.

The European Union and the 1996 IGC. Series of papers on the Intergovernmental Conference including: Institutional Affairs, Juliet Lodge pp18; Constitutional Issues: the European Parliament and National Parliaments David Millar pp10; EU Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe Jackie Gower pp14; Justice and Home Affairs Juliet Lodge pp18. Centre for European Union Studies University of Hull Hull.

Resolution on the functioning of the Treaty on European Union with a view to the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference: Implementation and development of the Union Jean-Louis Bourlanges & David Martin. European Parliament PE 190.440 A4- 0102/95. Resolution extract.

Review of the Treaty of European Union Caritas Europa September 1995 50 pages. Looks at work done by the "Migrations" and poverty-Exclusions working groups. Caritas Europa 4 rue De Pascale 1040 Bruxelles Belgium.

NGO Network on European refugee asylum and immigration policy: a dossier of proposals for the 1996 IGC: compiled by Amnesty International Caritas Europa ECRE CCME Migrants Forum. Starting Line Group with help from ECAS. 20 page report on hearing by the European Parliament.

Schengen co-operation (part 2) Serge A. Bonnefoi. International Criminal Police Review 447 (March-April) 1994 pp16-25. In this article the author discusses the principles governing police and judicial co-operation and their application.

France: war without negotiation. CARF 29 (December 1995-January 1996) p11. Examination of the "tooling-up" of the French state and the execution of the Algerian Armed Islamic Groups Khaled Kelkal who was shot dead as he lay on his back wounded.<

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