Europe - new material (18)

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Policing Europe. EP News 11.3.96. pp2-3. Feature on Europol that examines the organisation and looks at what it is supposed to do.

Black people: trapped in Fortress Europe Paul Okojie. The African No. 3 (March) 1996 pp7-9.

Racism xenophobia and anti-semitism. European Commission, Proposal designating 1997 as European Year Against Racism ,Brussels 13.12.95 COM(95) 653 final.

Britain and Germany in the New Europe. Wilton Park Paper no 113, Richard Latter. HMSO 22 pages 5.00.

Parliamentary debates

Intergovernmental Conference Commons 21.3.96. cols. 513-601 European Council Commons 1.4.96. cols. 21-34 European Communities (European Court) Commons 23.4.96. cols 198- 204

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