Europe - new material (20)
01 December 1996
Recent developments in European Convention law Philip Leach, Legal Action July 1996 pp13-17. This piece summarises cases at the European Court - between September 1995 to March 1996 that have relevance to Britain and Northern Ireland.
No to "National Preference". CARF No. 34 (October/November) 1996, pp4-7. This article examines the European-wide popular protectionism that accompanies European restructuring and underlies racist campaigns such as the campaign for national preference instigated by the French Front National.
Gagging orders? Stuart McIntosh. Police Review 27.9.96. pp15-17, This piece discusses the removal of a defendants' right to silence under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and the effects of European human rights laws.
The European Insider no 3: articles on the 1996 IGC Revising Maastricht Norway: Surviving outside UK Out of Court, Controversy at the College of Europe. 60BF from: The European Insider c/o Agenor asbl 22 rue Toulouse B-1049 Brussels, Belgium.
Free on the EU: A guide to free information about and from the EU institutions Mike Cooper. 54 pages 16.00 to non-EIA members. Guide to the European Commission Heather Worlledge. 34 pages 7.00 to non-EIA members. European Parliament Lydia Whitehead. 24 pages 7.00 to non-EIA members. P&P included From: European Information Association Central Library St Peter's Square Manchester M2 5PD. Tel: (00 44) 0161 228 3691, Fax: (00 44) 0161 236 6547. EU-Det tabte paradis Bashy Quraishy. In Danish DKroners 59.00. Fort Europa Bashy Quraishy. In Danish and English DKroners 20.00. From: Etnisk Debatforum Nyelandsvej 53 st. tv, 2000 Frederiksberg Danmark. Tel & fax: (00 45) 38 88 19 77.
Political stability and religion: fundamentalism in perspective, Wilton Park papers no 119. 42 pages HMSO 1996 5.00.
Harmonisation of Justice within the European Union - national legal systems and discrimination against "foreign" EU citizens, Fair Trials Abroad June 1996 14 pages 2.00. From: Fair Trials Abroad Bench House Ham Street Richmond Surrey TW10 7HR. Tel: (00 44) 0181 332 2800. Fax: (00 44) 0181 332 2810.
Consultation paper on the EC Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC). Briefing from the Campaign for Freedom of Information September 1996 10 pages. From: 88 Old Street, London EC1V 9AX.