Europe - new material (24)

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The Council of Ministers Fiona Hayes-Renshaw and Helen Wallace, MacMillan 1997 340 pages. An excellent and up to date insight into the workings of the Council of Ministers.

Chronicles Volume 9 Faculty of Law Democritus University of Thrace Komotini Greece September 1996. Collection of 20 essays on different aspects of criminology with contributions from the UK France and Greece.

Provisions related to criminal law: Draft revision of the EU Treaties. Response on the Dublin II Outline and the Addendum of the Dutch Presidency Standing Committee of experts on international immigration refugee and criminal law p/a Secretariat postbus 201 3500 AE Utrecht Netherlands May 1997. The Standing Committee's report is highly critical of the new powers given to Europol in the Amsterdam Treaty drafts. In particular it says unless openness is guaranteed and "unless the Court of Justice has full jurisdiction to interpret the decisions of the Council" Europol should be given no further executive powers (ie: the proposed operational role in the new treaty) and, the "immunity" to be given to Europol employees - who national courts will not be able to call as witnesses or defendants - is unacceptable.

The European Union belongs to its citizens: three immodest proposals J H H Weiler. European Law Review no 22 1997 pp150- 156.

Maastricht II. Zum Stand der Regierungskonferenz. [Maastricht II, The state of affairs of the Intergovernmental Conference] Euroinfo Die Grunen im Europaischen Parliament April 1997.

Parliamentary debates

Intergovernmental conference Lords 4.6.97. cols. 650-700 European Union Commons 9.6.97. cols. 799-896 European Council (Amsterdam) Commons 18.6.97. cols. 313-330

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