Europe - new material (26)

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Tatort Europa. Asyl und innere Sicherheit in der EU (Scene of crime Europe. Asylum and internal security in the EU) Initiative gegen das Schengener Abkommen Bonn 1997 pp44. This is the third brochure by the "Initiative against the Schengen Agreement" examining the implications of the Schengen Agreement and European cooperation in home affairs on migration and internal security policies. This brochure includes articles on the Schengen Agreement from a Scandinavian point of view implications of Schengen on Poland Europol police cooperation with east European states and the EU extradition agreement.

Enhancing Parliamentary Scrutiny of the Third Pillar. Select Committee on the European Communities House of Lords. HL Paper 25. HMSO 31.7.97 160 pages 16.70. An excellent report which makes a series of Recommendations for the Home Secretary to respond to. Covers parliament's access to draft measures before they are adopted by the EU Council of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers; its powers of scrutiny; and a summary of powers of other EU parliaments.

The European Ombudsman. Select Committee on the European Communities House of Lords. HL Paper 18. HMSO 22.7.97 20 pages 5.60. Recommends that more publicity should be given to increasing awareness of the Ombudsman's powers.

The Amsterdam Treaty. Select Committee on the European Communities House of Lords. HL Paper 17. HMSO 22.7.97 44 pages 8.60. Compares a report by the committee made in 1995 with the provisions in the Treaty. It does not include a full summary of the Treaty.

Recent developments in European Convention law Philip Leach, Legal Action July 1997 p13-17. This piece summarises cases at the European Court of Human Rights which are relevant to Britain and Northern Ireland.

Report to the Bulgarian government on the visit to Bulgaria carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 26 March to 7 April 1995 and Responses to the Bulgarian Government. European Committee for the Prevention of Torture March 1997 pp147.

Report to the Danish government on the visit to Denmark carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 29 September to 9 October 1996. European Committee for the Prevention of Torture April 1997.

Call in the experts Keith Nuthall. International Police Review September/October 1997 p35. Short piece on a "directory of specialist expertise in the combatting of terrorism" compiled at the behest of the EU's Council of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs and maintained and operated out of the UK. The EU is also planning a directory on "policing expertise in the fight against drugs and organised crime."

The European Institutions in the fight against racism: Selected texts. European Commission 1997 pp121. This book publishes "key" Community texts on racism xenophobia and anti-semitism.

Parliamentary debates

Turkey: Human Rights Lords 18.7.97 cols. 1164-1186 European Council Amsterdam Lords 28.7.97. cols. 11-73p

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