Europe - new material (28)
01 December 1997
Rapport de suivi du Gouvernement portugais en reponse au rapport du Comite europeen pour la prevention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou degradants (CPT) relatif a sa visite au Portugal du 14 au 26 mai 1995 Council of Europe 27.11.97, pp31.
Rapport au Gouvernement de l'Italie relatif a la visite effectuee par le Comite europeen pour la prevention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou degradants (CPT) relatif en Italie du 22 octobre au 6 novembre 1995 Council of Europe, 4.12.97 pp155.
Interim Report of the Danish Government in response to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) on its visit to Denmark from 29 September to 9 October 1996 Council of Europe 11.12.97 pp54.
Our crime: Looking for Peace Karlos Rodriguez. An Phoblacht- Republican News 8.1.98, p19. Article by imprisoned Herri Batasuna national executive member Rodriguez which contrasts the situation in Spain with that in Northern Ireland.
Recent developments in European Convention law Philip Leach, Legal Action (January) 1998 pp10-15. Bi-annual update summarising cases at the European Commission and the Court of Human Rights which are relevant to Britain and Northern Ireland.
The Finances of the Union's Intergovernmental Pillars: Tortuous Experiments with the Community Budget Jrg Monar. Journal of Common Market Studies vol 35 no 1 March 1997 pp57-78. Looks at how measures agreed under the 2nd and 3rd pillars of the EU (common security and defence and justice and home affairs), which are intergovernmental are increasingly being financed out of the EC community budget. This raises argues Monar questions about adequate parliamentary control and the efficiency of the present system of financing.
Common foreign and security policy 1995-1996 Steve Peers in the 1996 Yearbook on European Law. Examines the development of the second pillar and asks whether the CSFP will lead to a more coordinated policy in the future.
Participation in a criminal organisation soon a crime in all EU-Member States? Fortress Europe December 1997 pp1-3. Examines the draft Joint Action defining participation in a "criminal organisation".
Parliamentary debates
European Communities (Amendment) Bill Commons 2.12.97. cols. 191- 257 European Communities (Amendment) Bill Commons 3.12.97. cols. 396- 459 European Union Commons 4.12.97. cols. 513-569 European Council Commons 15.12.97. cols. 19-36 European Communities (Amendment) Bill (Allocation of Time) Commons 17.12.97. cols. 406-458 European Communities (Amendment) Bill Commons 15.1.98. cols. 500- 579 European Communities (Amendment) Bill Commons 19.1.98. cols. 691- 786