Europe - new material (33)

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Recent developments in European Convention law, Philip Leach. Legal Action January 1998, pp11-15. Latest in the biannual series that summarises cases relevant to the UK at the European Commission and Court of Human Rights.

They call it suicide - we call it murder. Black Flag Issue 215, 1998, pp8-9. This article reports on three anarchists (Edoardo Massari, Marie Soledad Rosas and Silvio Pelissero) who were arrested by Italian police last March and charged on questionable evidence with "subversive association for the purpose of constituting an armed gang". Two of the three are now dead after allegedly hanging themselves while the third - Pelissero - is on hunger strike.

Parliamentary debates

European Council, Vienna, 11-12 December Lords 14.12.98. cols. 1127-1140

European Parliamentary Elections Bill Lords 15.12.98. cols. 1307-1340

Parliamentary Scrutiny of the Third Pillar: ECC Report Lords 12.1.99. cols. 111-134

UK role in Europe Lords 13.1.99. cols. 369-413

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