Europe - new material (37)

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Recent developments in European Convention law, Philip Leach. Legal Action January 2000, pp10-14. Summary of cases at the European Commission and the Court of Human Rights that have relevance to the United Kingdom.

New World disorders: Bilderberg, Trilateral and the European Union, Robin Ramsey. Lobster 38 (Winter) 1999, p32. Short piece on "the relationship between the European Union and members of various elite management groups, notably the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group." Lobster, 214 Westbourne Avenue, Hull HU5 3JB;

Europe Inc.: Regional and global restructuring and the rise of corporate power, Belen Balanya et al., Pluto Press (in association with Corporate Europe Observatory) 2000, ISBN 0-7453-1491-0. Researchers from the CEO provide a much needed study of corporate power in Europe and the influence of transnational corporations and their vast lobbying mechanisms on the workings of the EU and its global counterparts.

Crimes without frontiers. Policing Today, December 1999, pp32-34. Jurgen Storbeck, Director of Europol, calls for a shift in resources to target organised crime: "less on local policing, more on national and international criminal intelligence and investigations - not all of it necessarily police centred...For at this level we need to engage all the relevant services including customs and immigration". He also suggests a strong link between "simple forms of crime" ("street violence, domestic burglary, thefts of cars and bicycles, or if a family member is addicted to drugs") with criminal organisations.

Marches europeennes/NEWS. European Marches against Unemployment, Job Insecurity and Social Exclusion (Euromarch Liaison Committee), No 20 (January/February) 2000, pp8. This is, sadly, the last issue of the bulletin. It contains articles on an unemployed activist demonstration in Paris in December and a planned demonstration to coincide with the French presidency of the EU (2 December 2000). Other stories report progress in Mummia Abu-Jamal's fight against the death penalty and the Seattle demonstrations in protest at the World Trade Organisation.

Parliamentary debates

Special European Council (Tampere) Commons 19.10.99. cols. 253-265
European Union Commons 1.12.99. cols. 314-404
Enlargement of the EU: ECC Report Lords 7.12.99. cols. 1191-1242
Helsinki European Council Commons 13.12.99. cols. 21-39
European Council: Helsinki, 10-11 December Lords 13.12.99. cols. 20-34

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