Europe - new material (41)

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The Schengen Information System: a human rights audit. Justice, 2000, £15.00, 84 pages.

An excellent study of of the Schengen Information System and the SIRENE network. In particular it looks at the data protection and human rights compliance aspects of what is the biggest database in the EU. It also considers the UK's participation in the SIS. Justice, 59 Carter Lane, London EC4V 5AQ.

Parliamentary debates

European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights Commons 22.11.00 cols 71WH-93WH
European Affairs Commons 23.11.00 cols 451-540
EC Development Assistance Commons 23.11.00 cols 119WH-162WH
Nice European Council Commons 11.12.00 cols 349-369
European Council, Nice Lords 11.12.00 cols 119-135
Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 Commons 12.12.00 cols 593-612
Common European Policy on Security and Defence: EU Report Lords 14.12.00 cols 520-564
European Enlargement Lords 20.12.00 cols 791-817

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