Europe - new material (7)
01 December 1994
The Securitate and the police state in Romania 1964-89 Dennis Deletant. Intelligence and National Security Vol 9(1):22-49, 1994. Second part of Delatant's look at the Securitate.
Stalking the wolfman Anna Husarska & Nikoli Ignatiev, Independent magazine 2.4.94. Portrait of Russian neo-nazi megalomaniac and Liberal Democrat Party leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
Europe: Montrez patte blanche! This pamphlet looks at the new frontiers imposed by the Schengen Agreement. It is available in French from: CETIM 37 Quai Wilson CH-1201 Genve, Switzerland price 35 Swiss Francs.
France: a fundamental racism. CARF 20 p10 1994. On state racism and anti-Muslim hysteria in France.
Turkey: crackdown on freedom of expression. Article 19 pp1-2, 1994. On the crackdown on the media by the Turkish authorities.
Federal Border Police (Bundesgrenzschutz BGS): Special issue of CILIP journal no 47 (in German). This issue looks at the development of the BGS created in 1951. It is a para-military force which has been used to counter public protests. Articles look at its history and development; the recent creation (1993) of the Border Police Support Forces to support the BGS in sealing off Germany's Eastern borders against refugees; fatal shootings in 1993; and racist police brutality in Berlin. DM 10 from: CILIP Malteserstr. 74-100 12249 Berlin Germany.
Between hope and disaster: aspects of neo-fascism in Europe, Produced by an International Quaker Working Group under the auspices of the Quaker Council for European Affairs. 20pp. BF250. From: Quaker Council for European Affairs 50 Square Ambiorix, 1040 Brussels Belgium.
Parliamentary debates
Council of Europe and Western European Union Commons 18.3.94