European Court: Case admissible

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The European Commission on Human Rights has ruled admissible a case brought by the editors of the now defunct squatters' magazine Bluf!. In 1987 Bluf! published the contents of a 48-page BVD (the Dutch internal security agency) quarterly situation report from 1981 - it was said to have been be "left" on a train by a civil servant. The police raided the Bluf! offices and confiscated the entire edition. The raid had been anticipated and thousands of copies were printed elsewhere and sold gaining wide press coverage. The editors demanded the return of the confiscated edition and compensation for damages, claiming the police action had no legal ground for their action and that this was a violation of the fundamental right of a free press. Three arrests were made during the raid but none were prosecuted. The case can be expected to take two years before a decision is made. (see Statewatch vol 3 no 2).

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