European Parliament debates
01 January 1991
European Parliament debates
artdoc June=1994
Cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, 13.7.93,
OJ 3-433, pages 62-67.
Free movement of persons, 14.7.93, OJ 3-433, pages 150-165.
Court of Justice, 14.9.93, OJ 3-434, pages 49-52.
Crossing of the EC's external borders, 27.10.93, OJ 3-437, pages
173-176 and 28.10.93, pages 284-286.
Oral question and discussion:
European immigration, 23.6.93, OJ 3-432, pages 158-159.
Free movement of persons pursuant of Article 8a of the EEC
Treaty, 20.9.93, OJ C255, pages 183-4.
European immigration policy, 20.9.93, OJ C255, pages 184-186.
Cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs (Title VI),
20.9.93, OJ C255, pages 168-171.
PKK terrorist campaign, 20.9.93, OJ C255, pages 148-149.
Human rights, democracy and development, 20.9.93, OJ C255, pages
Rules of procedure of European Parliament subsequent to the
Treaty of European Union, 15.9.93, OJ C268, pages 51-124.
Joy Gardner, 16.9.93, OJ C268, page 147.
European Commission proposals/directives
Rights of residence of students (directive), 18.12.93, OJ L317,
pages 59-61.
Convention on the crossing of external borders (proposal;
Commission using right of initiative, policy to be decided by the
Council), 15.1.94, OJ C11, pages 6-15.
Regulation determining the third countries whose nationals must
be in possession of a visa when crossing the external borders of
the Member States (proposal; Commission using right of
initiative, policy to be decided by the Council), 15.1.94, OJ
C11, pages 15-17.
European Council
Code of conduct concerning public access to Council and
Commission documents (see Statewatch Vol 3 no 6 and Vol 4 no 1
for restrictions placed on documents in the fields of justice and
home affairs, and on foreign and security policy), 31.12.93, OJ
L340, pages 41-44.
(OJ is the Official Journal of the European Communities)
Statewatch Vol 4 no 2, March-April 1994