France: FN militia leader arrested

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Three French policemen, one of them the former General Secretary of the fascist Front National (NF) militia, and five Italians who had connections with the Calabrian mafia, were arrested for their involvement in a series violent robberies in Paris during February. Frederic Jamet was a key figure in the fascist militia until it was banned in 1997. He then joined the Syndicat Professionel des Policiers de France (SPFF, French Police Officers Union), which was founded in 1984 and has close links to the far-right, and became its leader. Jamet was also a lieutenant in the elite drugs unit Office Central de repression du Trafic Illicite de Stupefiant (OCTRIS, Central Office for the Supression of Illegal Drugs).

Le Monde 6.2.98; Socialist Worker 14.2.98.

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