G7/8 Declaration on terrorism, 30.7.96, Paris

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G7/8 Declaration on terrorism, 30.7.96, Paris
bacdoc February=1994

Summary and extracts of the 25-point FINAL DECLARATION of the
(all direct quotes)

"Our discussions underscored our agreement on the need to find
solutions that take account of all the factors likely to ensure
a lasting settlement of unresolved conflicts and on the need for
attending to conditions which could nurture the development of

"We are determined to work with all States, in full observance
of the principles and standards of international law and human
rights, in order to achieve the goal of eliminating terrorism...


1) strengthen internal cooperation among all government agencies
and services concerned with different aspects of counter-

5) when sufficient justification exists according to national
laws, investigate the abuse of organisations, groups or
associations, including those with charitable social or cultural
goals, by terrorists using them as a cover for their own

6) note the risk of terrorists using electronic or wire
communications systems and networks to carry out criminal acts
and the need to find means, consistent with national law, to
prevent such criminality.

7) adopt effective domestic laws and regulations including export
controls to govern the manufacture, trading, transport and export
of firearms, explosives or any device designed to cause violent
injury, damage or destruction in order to prevent their use for
terrorists acts.

8) take steps within their power to immediately review and amend
as necessary their domestic anti-terrorist legislation to ensure,
inter alia, that terrorists, acts are established as serious
criminal offences and that the seriousness of terrorists, acts
is duly reflected in the sentences served.

9) bring to justice any person accused of participation in the
planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or
participation in supporting terrorist acts.

11) accelerate consultations, in appropriate bilateral or
multilateral fora, on the use of encryption that allows, when
necessary, lawful government access to data and communications
in order inter alia to prevent or investigate acts of terrorism,
while protecting the privacy of legitimate communications,

Asylum, Borders and Travel Documents:

we call an all States to:

12) take strong measures to prevent the movement of terrorist
individuals or groups by strengthening border controls and
controls on issuance of identity papers and travel documents, and
through measures for preventing counterfeiting, forgery, or use
of false papers.

13) while recognising that political asylum and the admission of
refugees are legitimate rights enshrined in international law,
make sure that such a right should not be taken advantage of for
terrorist purposes, and seek additional international means to
address the subject of refugees and asylum seekers who plan, fund
or commit terrorist acts.


Expanding international treaties and other arrangements: we call
on all states to:

15) develop if necessary,especially by entering into bilateral
and multilateral agreements and arrangements, mutual legal
assistance procedures aimed at facilitating and speeding
investigations and collecting evidence, as well as, cooperation
between law enforcement agencies in order to prevent and detect
terrorist acts....

16) develop extradition agreements and arrangements, as
necessary, in order to ensure that those responsible for
terrorist acts are brought to justice; and consider the
possibility of extradition even in the absence of a treaty.

5. Terrorist fund raising:

We call on all States to:

19) prevent and take steps to counteract, through appropriate
domestic measure

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