Gay men harassed by parks police

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Gay activists have attacked parks police following allegations of harassment in South London. The campaigning group "Outrage" has issued a leaflet warning gay men of increased police activity after police arrested a man in Battersea. Outrage alleges that police are unfairly singling out gay men who use parks as cruising areas. The incident in Battersea occurred after police followed up a complaint that claimed that men were having sex in Battersea Park.

It is the latest event in a long sequence, starting in Manchester when police took down the registration numbers of cars seen in the vicinity of a known cruising ground. The owners of the cars were then sent letters telling them of the police operation and asking them for information. After complaints the police were forced to withdraw the letters and apologise to the people concerned.

More recently the leading gay activist and spokesperson for Outrage Peter Tatchell was accosted by police officers while on Hampstead Heath with friends. He says that he was grabbed by one policeman who let a dog loose on him: "It jumped up and bit me on the arm and clawed my chest drawing blood", Tatchell stated.

Outrage argue that these incidents reveal double standards in the way police treat heterosexual and homosexual sex in parks. As Tatchell points out: "Heterosexuals are just warned if they are found having sex in parks, but homosexual men are prosecuted".

Police and council officers both deny targeting gay men.

Pink Paper 7.10.94.

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