Germany: applications fall

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The number of refugees applying for asylum in Germany has dropped significantly since its new asylum laws were introduced in July. The numbers were down from 31,123 in June to 20,685 in July and 14,521 in August. In an interview with the Bild newspaper Interior Minister Manfred Kanther urged German regional states to deport rejected refugees more quickly. "The figure is still far too high", he said, "the efficient deportation of rejected asylum seekers is of great importance if the new asylum laws are to work". The new law automatically disqualifies refugees who enter through countries considered "safe" which includes all of Germany's neighbours.

The number of "ethnic" Germans returning to Germany is also declining. The German constitution grants citizenship to East Europeans who can prove German ancestry - 230,000 "ethnic" Germans from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union settled in Germany in 1992.

ESMV newsletter September 1993; International Herald Tribune, 2.9.93; Bild 7.9.93.

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