Germany:Deustche Liga manipulates racism
01 January 1991
Germany:Deustche Liga manipulates racism
artdoc April=1993
The far-right Deutsche Liga, which are represented in the Cologne
parliament, have launched a campaign against a Gypsy family from
Romania who were under threat of deportation and had gone into
hiding. The Liga issued a `wanted' poster and leaflets, offering
DM1,000 for the seizing of the refugees.
Now, the public prosecutor's off-ice in Cologne has launched
an investigation into the Liga, claiming `unauthorised assumption
of authority' but refusing to investigate the Liga for `inciting
the people' (Die Tageszeitung 10.3.93).
Popular racism institutionalised by court
An administrative court in Hildesheim, Niedersachsen, has ruled
that the local government should not be allowed to build a
refugee hostel in the centre of the city. This amazing judgment
is based, it seems,on the opinion that it is not reasonable for
the German population to be confronted with a large group of
refugees that have `a different life style', that `make a lot of
noise', and that `might have a criminal background'. The local
government has lodged a complaint against the court (Die
Tageszeitung 28.1.93).
Minister calls for compulsory Aids test
Gunther Beckstein, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of
Interior in Bavaria, has proposed that all those seeking asylum
to Germany should have a compulsory Aids test (TAZ 14.1.93).
Priest scapegoats Jews and Poles
A Dominican priest in Meppen, Basilius Streithofen, has said that
`the Poles and the Jews are the biggest exploiters of the German
taxpayers'. Mr Streithofen, in defending himself from accusations
of anti-Semitism, said that such accusations resulted from
`tensions' which existed between the Jewish and Roman Catholic
communities in Meppen (Jewish Chronicle 5.2.93).
Popular racism Europe
IRR European Race Audit no 3, 1993.
Contact: Liz Fekete, Institute of Race Relations,
2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS. Tel: ++ 071 837 0041