Germany:Local elections - Republikaner gains
01 January 1991
Germany:Local elections - Republikaner gains
artdoc April=1993
The far-Right Republikaner Party, which campaigned on law and
order issues and for a reduction in the number of asylum-seekers,
has increased its share of the vote in local elections in Hesse.
In Frankfurt, where the Republikaners were standing for the
first time, they won ten scats on a 93-seat city council (9.3 per
cent of the vote), whilst in the surrounding region their share
of the vote averaged out at 8 per cent. If the vote for the
Republikaners in Hesse was to be repeated nationally the party
could gain representation in the Bundestag for the first time.
Some commentators suggest that the vote is being wrongly
Interpreted. It does not represent a substantial breakthrough as
the Republikaner's share of the vote is actually down on regional
elections last year. The conservative daily Die Welt, however,
is concerned that the post-war political consensus is about to
break up (Guardian 8.3.93, Independent 8.3.93, 9.3.93).
Twelve deaths in 1993
At least twelve people have died in the first three months of
1993 in incidents that can either be proved to be racially-
motivated or where a racial motive cannot be ruled out.
Three of these murders were carried out by skinhead gangs. In
Bulletin No 2, we reported on the killing of 24 year-old
anti-fascist Kerstin Winter who died after opening a parcel bomb
in Frieburg. In January, too, in Arnsdadt, Thuringen, a
46-year-old man died after being set upon by a group of skinheads
in a park. The skinheads had lain his body across the road and
then driven a car over him. Manslaughter proceedings have begun
(Konkret 3.3.93).
22-year-old Mike Z, an anti-fascist member of a heavy metal
band, was attacked and killed in Hoyerswerda by skinheads who
stormed a club where the band was playing. Mike Z was later
beaten up outside the club and his body crushed underneath the
weight of a car. lie died three days later in hospital (Die
Tageszeitung [TAZ] 20.2.93).
One of the most disturbing aspects of this horrific murder is
that two police officers present at the scene are now being
investigated, following allegations that they stood by and
watched whilst the attack happened.
In Mulheim, North-Rhine Westphalia, a 56-year-old Turkish man
died of a heart attack after two members of the Republikaner
party beat him and then attempted to shoot him in the neck (TAZ
6.3.93). A (previously undocumented) murder by skinheads also
took place on 15 December in Siegen, North-Rhine-Westphalia. A
55-year-old blind and disabled man was kicked and beaten to death
by a group of skinheads.
The nine other deaths, on which information is scant, also
give cause for concern. Friends of the anti-fascist, leftwing
activist,Olaf Haydenblut, found dead in his apartment in
Suhl,Thuringen, in February, cannot believe the police's
interpretation that `he probably committed suicide'. They believe
he was murdered (TAZ 6.2.93).
Five men died in unexplained shootings and one man after he
was stabbed. In January, the body of a 38-year-old man from the
Lebanon with several bullet wounds was discovered in the hallway
of a council house. Police have not ruled out a racial motive
(TAZ 2.1.93). Also in Berlin, two days before, a 35-year-old
Turkish man who had been stabbed to death was discovered on the
street. Although the police have ruled out a racist motive, no
information to support this belief has been given (TAZ 5.1.93).
Nor is there any information about the shooting on the streets
of Frankfurt of a refugee from the former Yugoslavia (TAZ
Two other shootings took place in Hessen. In January, a
55-year-old Italian was shot by unknown attackers in Offenbach
and died three days later (TAZ 15.1.93). Also in January, a
35-year-old man of Syrian descent was killed after being shot at
from a car. The police have released no further information about
this murder (K