Germany: racist attacks (2)

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Germany: racist attacks
artdoc July=1994

On 8 March 1994, the Federal Minister of Interior issued new
figures on xenophobic attacks. According to these statistics,
1,609 criminal acts of xenophobic nature were registered in 1993,
37 percent less than in 1992 (2,544). This includes 248 arson
attacks on accommodation centres and homes of foreigners and
asylum-seekers (596 in 1992) and 3 bomb attacks (12 in 1992). A
total of 6 foreigners were killed during these attacks (7 in
1993) and 906 were injured (946 in 1992). The Federal Minister
of Interior said the decrease in the number of racist attacks is
encouraging, but the registered number of attacks is `still
alarming.' According to the Federal Office for the Protection of
the Constitution (FOPC) there are 41,400 right-wing extremists
in 77 organizations throughout Germany, with a militant core of
4,400 members (skin-heads). The German Government recently
announced harsher sentences for racially motivated criminal acts
as well as the use of Nazi-like symbols.

Statewatch, vol 4 no 3, May-June 1994

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