Germany: The Chancellor's illusions
01 March 1997
The German Chancellor Kohl's plan to protect Europe's citizens from international crime with a FBI-like body cannot be realized in the near future. This is the result of an internal analysis of the German Interior Ministry. According to the Ministry, the preconditions for the creation of operational competencies are missing as long as there are 15 different national criminal law systems. Kohl was campaigning for an extension of Europol to an operational police force in the run-up to the Dublin IGC in December last year. A majority of his European colleagues agreed - with reservations - on more competencies for Europol. Kohl got support from the Europol coordinator Jurgen Storbeck who stated in his report that "no success has been achieved in the fight against internationally organised criminal organisations or their leaders despite some success stories".
Der Spiegel, 9.12.96 & 10.3.97.