GLADIO - resolution of the European Parliament

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GLADIO - resolution of the European Parliament
bacdoc May=1991

European Parliament - 22.11.90
joint resolution replacing B3-2021, 2058, 2068, 2078 and 2087/90

RESOLUTION on the Gladio affair

A. having regard to the revelation by several European governments of
the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence
and armed operations organization in several Member States of the

B. whereas for over 40 years this organization has escaped all
democratic controls and has been run by the secret services of the
states concerned in collaboration with NATO,

c. fearing the danger that such clandestine network may have
interfered illegally in the internal political affairs of Member
States or may still do so,

D. whereas in certain Member States military secret services (or
uncontrolled branches thereof) were involved in serious cases of
terrorism and crime as evidenced by, various judicial inquiries,

E. whereas these organizations operated and continue to operate
completely outside the. law since they are not subject to any
parliamentary control and frequently those holding the highest
government and constitutional posts are kept in the dark as to
these matters,

F. whereas the various `GLADIO' organizations have at their disposal
independent arsenals and military resources which give them an
unknown strike potential, thereby jeopardizing the democratic
structures of the countries in which they are operating or have
been operating,

G. greatly concerned at the existence of decision-making and
operational bodies which are not subject to any form of democratic
control and are of a completely clandestine nature at a time when
greater Community cooperation in the field of security is a
constant subject of discussion,

1. Condemns the clandestine creation of manipulative and operational
networks and Calls for a full investigation into the nature,
structure, aims and all other aspects of these clandestine
organizations or any splinter groups, their use for illegal
interference in the internal political affairs of the countries
concerned, the problem of terrorism in Europe and the possible
collusion of the secret services of Member States or third

2 . Protests vigorously at the assumption by certain US military
personnel at SHAPE and in NATO of the right to encourage the
establishment in Europe of a clandestine intelligence and operation

3. Calls on the governments of the Member States to dismantle all
clandestine military and paramilitary networks;

4. Calls on the judiciaries of the countries in which the presence of
such military organizations has been ascertained to elucidate fully
their composition and modus operandi and to clarify any action they
may have taken to destabilize the democratic structures of the
Member States;

S. Requests all the Member States to take the necessary measures, if
necessary by establishing parliamentary committees of inquiry, to
draw up a complete list of organizations active in this field, and
at the same time to monitor their links with the respective state
intelligence services and their links, if any, with terrorist
action groups and/or other illegal practices;

6. Calls on the Council of Ministers to provide full information on
the activities of these secret intelligence and operational

7. Calls on its competent committee to consider holding a hearing in
order to clarify the role and impact of the 'GLADIO' organization
and any similar bodies;

8. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the
Commission, the Council, the Secretary-General of NATO, the
governments of the Member States.a

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