Government Data Network (GDN) link to PNC2? (1)

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Government Data Network (GDN) link to PNC2?
artdoc May=1991

The present Police National Computer (PNC) is used, via direct access computer
terminals, by the police, Home Office, HM Customs and Excise investigation
division and the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Agency (DVLA). Alongside the
development of the new PNC2 has been a debate about whether it will be linked
to other government departments who are part of the Government Data Network
(e.g. Social Security and National Insurance/Tax). Home Office Minister Mr
Lloyd indicated in October 1990 that the government was considering giving a
`number of other Government departments' direct access to the criminal names
index as this would reduce the workload of the National Identification Bureau
(NIB). If this search showed that a person had a criminal record the NIB would
carry out a full search of the files.
Hansard, written answer, 15.11.90. Cols 723-724

Statewatch no.1 March/April 1991

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