Gulf War - detentions and deportations

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The Minister for Defence said that three Iraqi national were released from Rollestone army camp following hearings before Army boards of inquiry and the remaining 32 were released on 6 March. During the course of the Gulf War 56 Iraqis issued with notices of the intention to deport on national security grounds appeared before the national security panel (the three "wise" men). Of these 15 were released and the intention to deport withdrawn; 7 were released on restrictions pending further investigation into the deportation decision; 3 were released pending the making of a deportation order; 25 were held in detention pending further investigation into the deportation decision; and 6 were held in detention pending the making of a deportation order. The list of those detained or deported was drawn up by MI5 who have the job of maintaining lists of all foreign nationals who, in their view present a threat to national security. The list, officials said was based on out of date files. Questions asked by the three "wise" men of those being threatened with deportation included: Did you say you would kill Americans or Westerners? Have you been expressing views about the situation in Kuwait with anyone? What have you talked about with your wife? House of Commons written answers 25.3.91 cols 271 & 305; Independent 13.2.91; CARF no 2 April/May 1991 p6.

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