Holland: Election results

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Holland: Election results
artdoc July=1994

On May 3, the Dutch voted for a new parliament. The extreme right
Centrumdemocraten (CD) gained 2.5% of the votes, thus securing
3 seats (was 1) in the 150-seat Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber, q
Lower House). The even more extreme CP'86 gained 0.4%.
Disturbingly, among the voters between 18-24 the CD took 6% of
the votes.
Over the last two months several CD and CP'86 representatives
in municipal councils and party officials have been exposed as
being involved in criminal activities such as drugs dealing,
fraud, illegal possession of firearms, violence against
foreigners and racist insults. Investigative journalism
including three cases of undercover infiltrations and extensive
press coverage of the criminal and neo-fascist elements in the
ranks of extreme right parties can be credited with a
considerable loss in voters' support. A group of CD party members
have come forward to accuse their chairman Hans Janmaat of
monomaniac behaviour. They have demanded the purging of all
openly racist and neo-fascist elements in the party because they
fear to be banned to the political fringe or even outlawed as a
party altogether. Meanwhile, the other parties have decided to
allow the new CD faction in parliament access to the informal
agenda-setting meetings and other fora from which Mr Janmaat as
a single MP has thus far been excluded.

Statewatch, vol 4 no 3, May-June 1994

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