Holland: fascist "security" group

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Several rightwing extremists have recently set up a group of security stewards to maintain order at party meetings under the name "Nationalistische Veiligheidsdienst" (NVD -Nationalist Security Service). Former army officer Mr Douwe van der Bos, who took the initiative, claims he acted in reaction to threats by a group calling itself the Revolutionary Marxist Alliance (RMA), which last December announced its intention to eliminate selected individuals from fascist and nazi groups. Nobody had ever heard of the RMA before, and its existence appears unlikely because the Marxism in its name is totally alien to any Dutch left movement in the mid-1990s with the exception of some old-style and isolated groups. It has therefore been suggested that the RMA is a spook operation or a provocative front set up by either neo- fascists or by some branch of the security service.

The extreme-right NVD will not limit itself to "maintaining order", but will also engage in investigative activities into what it calls "leftist organizations suspected of criminal activities". Leader Van den Bos claims to run a strictly law- abiding group and stated "we are not a goon squad".

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