Holland: Limited obligatory ID cards?

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Holland: Limited obligatory ID cards?
artdoc May=1992

At the end of March, the Dutch cabinet has proposed a bill on
a limited obligatory identification which will allow
enforcement of laws and regulations in the field of
moonlighting, fraud, fare dodging, money laundering, soccer
hooliganism and the like. Identification will be by passport
or by means of an identity card that has yet to be developed.
Situations in which mandatory identification can be demanded
are at the place of work, at social welfare bureaus, in public
transport when fare-dodging, at soccer matches, at checks on
illegal aliens, at the notary's office, when taking on a new
job vis-a-vis the employer, and in certain financial
transactions at banks. Those who fail to present a proper
identification will be punishable according to the new bill.
A definite decision on the width of the identification
obligations will be made after the summer when the Raad van
State has presented its advice on the bill. The postponement
of the decision results from conflicting views within the

Netherlands EC
Statewatch (Amsterdam)

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