Home Office - International Organisations

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Home Office - International Organisations
bacdoc January=1992

Hansard written answer 7.2.89 Col 580

Home Secretary Mr Hurd said that his Department is represented
at meetings arranged under the auspices of the following
Anglo-French Policing and Frontier Controls Working Group
Council of Europe
Comite Technique Internationale de Prevention et
d'Extinction du Feu
Conference Permanente Europeenne de la Probation European
Committee on Standards
European Community
European Group on DNA Integration
European Civil Aviation Conference
IATA Working Group on Inadmissible Passengers
intergovernmental Commission on Channel Tunnel
International Civil Aviation Organisation Facilitation
International Maritime Organisation Facilitation Committee
International Standards Organisation
International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation
International Prison Chaplains' Association
International de Metrologie Legale
United Nations
Western European Union

In the financial year 1987-88 my Department's subscription to
Interpol was ¼440,000, to the Major Donors' group of the United
Nations fund for drug abuse control ¼162,000 and to the Council
of Europe's cooperation group to combat drug abuse and illicit
trafficking in drugs (the Pompidou group) ¼34,000.

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