Home Secretary says racial prejudice by police not to be made an offence
01 January 1991
Home Secretary says racial prejudice by police not to be made an offence
refdoc August=1991
D8205736 82/11/08
William Whitelaw, Home Secretary, said in the Commons on Friday that racial
discrimination by police officers will not be made a specific offence. Also,
news that John Tilley, Lambeth Central MP, has resigned from the Lambeth Police
Monitoring Group. (S (City P) 5/11 p2; S (Clos P) p10; G 6/11 p4; T p3,4; Tel
Standard 82/11/05 p2; Standard p10; Guardian 82/11/06 p4; Times p3, 4 ;
Telegraph p8)
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