Hungary: Attacks on gypsies
01 January 1991
Hungary: Attacks on gypsies
artdoc March=1993
The first pogrom against gypsies in Hungary since the war has
been carried out in the village of Ketegyhaza on the Great
Hungarian plain. Villagers threw petrol bombs into the windows
of gypsy homes, and burnt their horses alive in the stables. In
another incident, in the same week, two gypsies were shot dead
by a farm guard for stealing pears, in a village a few dozen
miles from Budapest.
The Hungarian Ministry of the Interior has found that there was
no racial motivation for the attack at Ketegyhaza. The killings
of the gypsies are also being treated as a routine matter.
(Independent on Sunday 25.10.92)
Libyan student attacked
Ten skinheads attacked and physically injured Abboabbaud
Mohammed, a Libyan student at Budapest University, on 15 October
1992. According to the head of the Budapest police, two men have
been arrested. (Magyar Hirlap 20.10.92)
Press anti-Semitism
Whilst the Hungarian daily, Magyar Forum (14.10.92), has argued
vehemently that there is no anti-Semitism in Hungary, the Magyar
Narancs (15.10.92), has carried an anti-Semitic article of an
extremely abusive nature by Gallo Bella. Bella argues that the
Jew is a `hindrance to our Great National Prosperity' and that
Jews `as Darwin, an English Jew, proves, derive from the ape'.
`Cosmopolitan liberal bolshevik', is another description of the
Jew; a `termite' whose main racial characteristic is deceit.
Racist violence
IRR European Race Audit no 1 1992
Contact: Liz Fekete Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke
Street, London WC1X 9HS. Tel: ++ 071 837 0041