Immigration and asylum - new material (9)
01 April 2011
Detained and Denied: The clinical care of immigration detainees living with HIV, Jon Burnett, Eden Fessahaye, and Anna Stopes. Medical Justice pp. 44 (ISBN 978-0-9566784-1-6). This report presents the findings of an investigation into the clinical care of immigration detainees living with HIV in the UK. The detainees all faced removal to countries where they would potentially be unable to continue treatment. While the UK is the fifth richest country in the world and sees itself as a key partner in the international effort to prevent and reduce HIV/AIDS, this report shows that, contrary to the rhetoric: “the treatment of people detained for immigration purposes has been so detrimental that it may have left them requiring complex clinical care for their HIV infection. UK and ECHR law and policy nonetheless allows for the removal of people to countries where this level of care is unlikely to be available.”
Immigration: the Points Based System – Work Routes. Amyas Morse, March 2011, pp36. Deals with the Home Office designed Points Based System for immigration, which the UK Border Agency became responsible for implementing in 2008. It awards points for youth, salary, qualifications and talent, or those “who have most to contribute to the UK”. Frances Webber observed: “This brave new world [is] a wonderful world for the young, fit, educated, white and middle-class, [but] is not open to the poor, the sick, the disabled, the old. In Cameron's Britain, as in Thatcher's and Blair's, and in the globalised, privatised, marketised world, those who can't work will find their lives squeezed out to mere existence - just like asylum seekers.”