Immigration - new material (19)
01 December 1995
Frontier law: Why Schengen isn't working for Europe's third country nationals JCWI/ILPA September 1995. A recent report about the Schengen countries reveals that harmonisation appears a distant dream. The Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA) and the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) compared the requirements of the Schengen countries for the admission of a third-country national with residence in the UK.
There was no agreement among the countries as to whether a visa was required no standard fee the criteria for admission were vague and inconsistently applied and there is no supra-national authority to appeal to. The Schengen agreement provisions are the model on which the EU External Frontiers Convention is based so it is likely that the same problems will beset the EU as a whole if and when the Convention goes through.
Produzione Normativa e Costruzione Sociale della Devianza e Criminalata tra gli Immigrati [immigration and criminality]
Massimo Pastore. Published by Fondazione Cariplo per le Iniziative e lo Studio sulla Multietnieta Foro Bonaparte 22 - 20121 Milano Italy 64 pages.
The movement of aliens in the European area. Report translated from original prepared by GISTI France and now published by the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA) May 1995 44 pages. ILPA The Basement 38 Great Pulteney Street London W1R 3DE.