Immigration - new material (24)

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From refugee to terrorist. CARF No. 33 (August/September) 1996, pp5-8. Informative piece on the UK's call for anti-terrorist and emergency powers to be used against Europe's refugee communities.

Desperately seeking asylum Sam Beale. Squall No. 13 (Summer) 1996 pp24-25. Looks at an alliance between church groups and squatters who are providing support for refugee and asylum seekers caught at the sharp end of recent asylum and immigration legislation.

Towards equality: actual and potential rights of third country nationals in the European Union Steve Peers. Common Market Law Review February 1996 pp7-50. This article analyses the rights available to third-country nationals and their possible interpretation in three areas: the current and proposed internal legislation of the EC; "third pillar" EU measures and the EC's international agreements.

Free movement delayed indefinitely Steve Peers. European Law Review April 1996 pp150-156. A brief critical summary and analysis of EC Regulation 2317/95 imposing visa requirements on nationals of over 100 states in the context of free movement within the EC.

Behind the Razor Wire: Inside INS Detention Centres Mark Dow, CovertAction Quarterly no 57 Summer 1996 pp33-37. Looks at the conditions and treatment of migrants held in the US's detention centres.

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